Slow Joe Biden in a campaign stop in Michigan did a John Kerry on the Second Amendment. He was for the Second just moments before he was against it, from NOQ Report:

[A]t a campaign stop at a factory today, [Slow Joe] Biden got a little agitated over a question about the 2nd Amendment.[…]

Biden initially noted that he wasn’t going to take guns away, noting that “you’re full of sh*t.” Then when the worker mentioned a “viral video” Biden lampooned the notion, comparing it to other viral videos that he seemed to insinuate were false. He then proceeded to describe his love for guns, including shotguns that he and his sons used for hunting.

agitated over a question about the 2nd Amendment.

So far, we’ve found two versions of the video. The one above is longer and seems to have better audio, while the one below from Benny Johnson gives a clearer picture of Biden’s angered facial features as he berates the guy.

Biden initially noted that he wasn’t going to take guns away, noting that “you’re full of sh*t.” Then when the worker mentioned a “viral video” Biden lampooned the notion, comparing it to other viral videos that he seemed to insinuate were false. He then proceeded to describe his love for guns, including shotguns that he and his sons used for hunting.

From there, he says he’s only going to take AR-14s away. There are, of course, no such thing as AR-14s, but it’s close enough for the discussion. He later appropriately calls them “AR-15s.” But the sticking point in the heated debate seemed to be Biden’s description of them as “machine guns” while the worker rightly referred to them as semi-automatic rifles. Biden continuously asked him why he needed 100 rounds. The typical AR-15 clip holds 30 rounds.


Text of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


  • There is no language in the actual text of the Second to suggest that the amendment is only applicable to sporting fire arms.
  • Outside of Slow Joe’s fervid imagination there appears is no such weapon as an AR-14
  • An AR-15, even in Delaware, is semi-automatic rifle and not a machine gun.
  • Slow Joe did suggest that he would appoint Beto O’Rourke to take away American weapon. Yet Slow Joe feigns support for the Second Amendment.

Imagine if President Donny assaulted an American voter by brandishing his finger.