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Things to Think About

Several things going on over the last couple of days. I’ll try to touch on them all here.

* This is probably the best summary of what the Democrats have been successful in doing so far as regards their attempted coup.

* Am I the only one who’s noticed? Every time the Democrats take it on the chin, as they did yesterday [1] in the supposed impeachment hearing, we end up with another school shooting. [2] It’s getting to be very predictable.

* Here’s another thing that the Democrats have been getting wrong for years. it’s almost knee-jerk, you hear them screaming every election cycle about how money in politics is the problem. Somebody with a lot of money can buy their way into politics, goes the fairy tale. Well, not so fast. Tom Steyer has been spending 67% of all TV ad buys in this race and is still polling at 1%. I mean, forgive me, but if I’m to take these figures seriously it would seem that money in politics isn’t the issue. Vodkapundit [3] has the details.

* I’ve been making lots of comments lately about how China is in some serious financial hot water. my sources on this have been rather limited until now. [4] frankly we can thank Mister Trump for tightening the noose.

* I want to take a moment to thank Art Smith for so diligently seeing to it that this site is well maintained.

* Parting shot: