What is going in Washington City with the Nancy Pelosi – Adam Schiff[for Brains] dog and pony show, from Sharyl Attkinson, Hill,

There’s an important revelation from the first day of impeachment hearings that I haven’t heard discussed. It has to do with the witnesses’ strange notion of how foreign policy works.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent and Acting Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor both accused President Trump
of interfering with U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine. They indicated they
differed with Trump’s skepticism of Ukraine’s newest leadership, and
they disagreed with Trump’s apparent decision to keep Ukraine at a
measured distance while he assessed the situation.


Trump’s enemies may cheer on the idea of diplomats and other officials choosing to oppose or undermine his wishes. But based on our Constitution, the dissenting diplomats are the ones who are at odds with “official foreign policy”— not the other way around. To the extent they are attempting to further policies that oppose or undermine the president’s wishes, they are the ones conducting the “shadow campaign.”

I wish to extend thanks to Schiff for Brains for bringing the deep state to the surface.