Amazing, that nobody in the Lamestream media has spent much time on this from Redstate and other sources….

You may have noticed in reports about illegal immigration that there’s been a precipitous drop in apprehensions at the border. That’s not because there are fewer being caught, that’s because there are fewer coming across.

That’s in large measure due to the cooperation deal that President Donald Trump struck with Mexico.

In fact, even CNN has had to admit Trump’s success, as Newsbusters observed.

In an astonishing case of pigs flying, CNN actually ran article on Sunday by Catherine Shoichet and Natalie Gallón, “Why some say Mexico already built Trump’s wall — and paid for it.”

In it they note that Mexico has effectively built the wall, that Mexico by marshaling thousands of their troops to prevent people from coming in and not going north to the U.S. is acting as the wall itself.

Perhaps not so amazing.

If it makes the left look like fools, ad particularly if it makes Trump…or anyone outside the big government establishment look good, they’ll never touch the story.