Ladies and gentlemen here is yet another example of how anti-discrimination policy ends up being discrimination policy.

Yale based its decision on a unanimous recommendation from the school’s Public Interest Committee. The committee explained: “The logic of our broader recommendation is that Yale Law School does not and should not support discrimination against its own students, financially or otherwise. Obviously, the Law School cannot prohibit a student from working for an employer who discriminates, but that is not a reason why Yale Law School should bear any obligation to fund that work, particularly if that organization does not give equal employment opportunity to all of our students.”

The law school also thanked Outlaws for raising this issue.

We have now reached past the point where discrimination against Christians is totally acceptable…at least, in the mindsets of the leftists running Yale and other such institutions.

Personally, I believe this all federal and state funding should be pulled from places who act in this manner, on First Amendment grounds.