Why yes, I think a nation without borders is a National emergency. If you don’t have borders you don’t have a nation.

But, let’s examine the reaction of the leftover this one, and over time.

The fact of the matter is the Trump’s action here is not unprecedented by any stretch of the imagination. No matter who’s making the claim, the Cato institute, the DNC, anybody.

3 Responses to “National Emergency?”

  1. If the President declares a national emergency, does Congress have any recourse to block the declaration?

    Nancy & Chuck got a TRUMP card to play.

    “Any national emergency declared by the President in accordance with this sub-chapter shall terminate if there if there is enacted a joint resolution terminating the emergency,” 50 U.S. Code ยง 1622 reads, “or the president issues a proclamation terminating the emergency,” the law continues.

    But remember, for any law to go into effect it has to be signed by the President.

    Congress would then have to overturn the President’s veto with a two-thirds majority in each chamber, to effectively repeal the emergency.

    So we can Verify, yes, technically Congress can repeal a declaration of a national emergency, but that would require the Democrats in the House and Republicans in the Senate to put their differences aside.

  2. Simply put, the Democrats don’t have the votes to push such a resolution through and they know it. Which is why they’re making so much noise about this being such an unprecedented move on Trump’s part.

    the thing is, as I pointed out, it isn’t an unprecedented move by any stretch of the imagination.

  3. Concur, it would seem if Speaker Pelosi thought she had the votes to get the legislation thru both house, it would be the far simpler option.