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The Ossoff Loss, And the Lesson That Still Hasn’t been Learned

Well, at least they won’t admit it to anybody if they have.

From a contact of mine who lives in GA6:

“….his ENTIRE campaign was built on the “lie” that Ossoff was a anti-Washington, anti-waste “outsider” who would save tax dollars and reform Washington – and when he was advertising to the conservative white radio stations in town, he NEVER mentioned he was even a democrat, had worked for a democrat Congressman, or got his original money selling videos for ISIS-Arabic TV! On the black/jive/rap/jazz stations, he promoted racism and the democrat agenda non-stop….”

They’ve been trying to position this as a referendum on Trump. Particularly the national media has been doing this. 

Of course they’re tuned changed once Ossoff got his backside handed to him.

But…Remember, I’ve been saying this all along… that Donald Trump did not win because he’s Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton lost because she’s Hillary Clinton…Although Donald Trump winning while being probably the least qualified candidate in GOP history should have given them a clue.

And if you look closely at the kind of advertising he did in the district as listed above, you might actually come to the conclusion the they already know what their problem is… But can’t deal with it very effectively for fear of alienating their Looney Tune Base.