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Tranny Insanity: Lone Star Version

We are all conceived, and born, as either a male or female.  This is just a biological fact.   By social custom we choose to use the restroom that conforms to our god given sex.  For the vast  majority this system works just fine.  Never content to leave what works alone, social justice warriors are now demanding that people who aare in denial about their biological sex be allowed to use any and all restrooms at their whim.
Texas ponders a strike against tranny insanity, from Dallas Morning News [1]:

AUSTIN — Cities like Dallas and Austin could have to undo local laws that protect transgender people from discrimination if Texas passes the so-called bathroom bill unveiled Thursday, a proposal panned by the business community that’s wreaked havoc on other states’ economies


Those decisions would be left entirely up to each private businesses under this bill, which could choose to allow transgender men to use the men’s room, or restrict patrons to use only those restrooms that match their “biological sex.”

Normal people, those not in denial of the god-given biological sex, are quite content to use the restroom whick conforms to their sex.  In contrast, those in denial want to use either restroom at their whim.   I hardly call it discrimination to ask all biological males, or females, make the same choices.