For all of the derision that Ted Cruz took as regards his comments on the New York City culture, I think it would be unwise to ignore the point he’s making…
Observe the following;

I agree with the stated purpose of the graphic but I’m going to use the graphics to make a different point. Stay with me on this.
The darker areas on the map are areas that went for Hillary Clinton in the most recent election. In majority they are also the areas that elected Barack Hussein Obama. For the sake of bandwidth I won’t include the state-by-state breakdown but believe me when I say that they are of a similar nature.
I’m going to suggest to you that what we are witness to is the Clashing of cultures. American and everything else.

There are those on the left who suggest that what we’re seeing is a lack of communication  and mutual respect, to which I say “somebody get me a shovel”.

Let’s take communication first. We’re not communicating because the concept that we have are so markedly different. Let me give you the concept, by a simple  example.

” Juliet on her balcony.”

 To most people that brings forth a picture that is steeped  culturally within our brains. The Shakespearian plays have long been an important part of our culture. Somebody from outside the culture on the other hand will not understand  the word picture being described by the phrase. 

That lack of cultural connection is at the core of our political disagreements these days. Concepts of freedom, concepts of individual property, concepts of Justice all suffer from this disconnection.

Let’s take another example and this time let’s go to the more extreme.

Let’s take another example. Islamic culture holds that marrying a nine-year-old when you are 56 is completely acceptable thing.

Is this really a matter of mutual respect? Of communication?

Or for that matter respect. Can anyone explain to me how what I’ve just described is deserving of any respect at all from anybody?

The point here obviously is that there are some cultural values and therefore some cultures as a whole  that are completely incompatible with American values.

It seems fairly safe to suggest that the areas in Darker coloring on the map tend to lean toward leftist values. At this point we turn to Mustard Seeds.

American values have always been small and secular government, religious people outside of government, free market capitalism, neighbors helping each other rather than the government doing so, and using our military force to combat evil around the world to help spread freedom and democracy. 

Left-wing values emphasize big government, cradle-to-grave welfare system, wealth distribution through the government to equalize income and egalitarianism, secularism and hostile towards religion (particularly Christianity), and isolationism/pacifism in terms of dictatorial governments around the world.

The article goes on to point out that leftist values are in direct opposition to the Constitution of the United States and the concept of limited government upon which it is based.

Of course the left has extremely different views of right and wrong. Morality if you will. How else to explain the lack of concern for the overt criminality of the Clinton cabal? These things also are in fact cultural in nature.

We are talking about two separate cultures here. Two different incompatible sets of cultural values.

I suggest  those differences were reflected in this most recent election. In fact I suggest to you that  the election and the ferocity of it  cannot be explained without leaning heavily  on what amounts to a culture War It can only be viewed as nothing short of a rejection of leftist values and a call for a restoration of American values.

 As longtime readers of this site will understand I have some serious objections to the messenger that was chosen. But, that’s another post.

There are some who will look at the map and what I’ve written here and suggest that because minorities are more strongly represented in the areas the map shows what I’m making here is a bunch of racist claims. I respond as I have in the past that the majority of what gets incorrectly labeled race issues are in fact cultural issues. How old is to explain the success of minorities who have ditched the street culture adopted mainstream culture and thrived?

Clearly there’s a good deal further we can go down this road but I think this subject is fairly well covered, at least enough for you to continue down the road on your own.
Addendum; Eric

Not too hard this one.