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Who is Big Thigh to Call Anybody Deplorable?

Big Thigh, a/k/a Mrs. B.J. Clinton, has called some supporters of Little Finger, a/k/a Donald Trump deplorable.   Who is Bill Clinton’s wife to call anybody deplorable.    Mrs. Clinton is fervid defender of legal infanticide, abortion on demand,  and staunch opponents of secure borders.   Mrs. Clinton has devoted her time in public service protecting her sexual predator husband.   She would rather let in unvetted Muslim immigrants than allow law abiding American to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

But Big Thigh’s passion is using public service to amass private wealth.    Mrs. Clinton a person of modest abilities, and scant achievements,  has an immodest lust for money.    At least Little Donny gouged his money from the private sector.   In contrast Mrs. Clinton has gotten rich feeding off the taxpayer’s money, for which she thinks she deserves a promotion.