?There’s an old joke that still gets circulated once in awhile. It theorises that since cats always land on their feet and toast always lands butter side down, that if you were to fasten a piece of buttered toast to a cat and throw the combination the two would spin endlessly never hitting the floor  and becoming a perpetual energy machine.

With that as a basis we move on to the all-important presidential election.
Look, does anybody seriously consider that 99% of the public doesn’t know how crooked Hillary Clinton is?
There is no doubt in my mind that everybody knows. So we are left with only one category of voter that is still supporting Hillary Clinton… What few that are left know, but they consider Donald Trump to be the larger evil. 
And of course, the reverse is true of the Donald Trump voter. What scant few there are. But notice please that none of them have a reason for electing Donald Trump that doesn’t directly involve Hillary Clinton.

The trouble of course is, they’re both right…. so far as they go, anyway, and if we could duct tape the two of them together, we could solve the energy crisis. There would be massive pollution of course, but anything for progress.

Now, you will notice that I’ve suggested neither one of them has a great deal in the way of support among the General Public. I say that, because nobody’s voting anymore. Last midterm the reports I saw suggested that only one-third of eligible voters actually voted. The reason as I have speculated in the spaces before is because they think there is nobody to vote for.
The phrase “vote for” is not idly chosen. What each of the candidates would have you do is vote against the opposite side. Far as I’m concerned, that’s not sufficient reason to vote for anybody. And apparently, the vast majority of Americans agree that the choice between the liberal and liberal lite is in fact a Hobson’s choice and they’ve long since decided to stop participating in it.

Would Donald Trump be marginally better than Hillary Clinton? Probably. But marginally is the operative phrase. And it’s certainly nothing to get excited about.

If you think there’s a snowball’s chance down under of Donald Trump appointing any seriously conservative Supreme Court Justice for example I’ve got a few gallons of Florida that I’d like to talk to you about.

Similarly, getting government out of the healthcare picture? Not a chance. He stated flatly several times in this campaign that he likes the idea of single-payer. Remember, friends, this is been the Democrats wet dream for 40 years and longer. And Trump has come out for it. In fact, is there any evidence anywhere that Donald Trump will actually reduce the size and scope and power of government? Can he in fact sign on to Reagan’s Axiom that government isn’t the solution, government is the problem? If there’s any evidence of it I’ve not seen it. Despite many attempts by Trump supporters.

 You know the people that are really excited? The GOP establishment. I can think of no better example of the excitement of the extended lesson with Donald Trump then watching Mitch McConnell celebrating his State delegates helping install the orange man as the Republican nominee. It seems clear the reason that McConnell is celebrating his because he thinks he’s side stepped the conservatives once again.

Remember, the one thing that the GOP establishment is more fearful of than anything else is actually being conservative. They pulled the same garbage on Reagan back in the 76 campaign. I was there. I saw it.

McConnell is among those whose out there making a show of party Unity. That’s supposedly what this orchestration over in Cleveland is all about. But I can tell you about another little get-together that bears a striking resemblance to this one, and it too dripped with party Unity.

Wikipedia suggests that only 7% of the German population ever was a member of the Nazi party. And yet look at what the 7% did.

If you think that comparison is a little over-the-top, I don’t. Look closely at what the establishment did to stop votes from getting to the floor of the convention… not once, but several times.

The result of all of these Shenanigans of course is a less representative government.

If we take the report that only 1/3rd ofeligible Americans are voting anymore, and given recent polling data where the candidates are essentially tied 50/50 that down the middle that means we are dependent for our future on the whims of 15% of the population. All of which makes the unwarranted assumption and that the voter participation rate isn’t going to go down still further in this cycle.

I am sufficiently unimpressed with Donald Trump to suggest that he’s not going to overcome that along with a great many other things.