Joe Biden has developed a reputation over the years of being the idiot that even the villagers have lost patience with.

Okay, I will admit that he has his supporters, some of them quite rabid in their support, thing is, the actual numbers are vanishingly small. And the thing is, Biden is not going to be picking up any significant support given the platform he’d have to run on. That being a continuance of the policies of the Obama administration. Notice that at least to some degree everyone that was on that stage the other night at the Democrat debate, attempted to separate themselves from the wildly unpopular Obamaism, in varying degrees. Biden apparently understands  he would be less able to perform such an Obama- ectomy, than the rest of them, given that he by far was more directly involved with that administration than the rest of them, even more so than Hillary Clinton, arguably.

How much the much ballyhooed death of his son entered into his decision, I don’t know. I suspect that the reason that was hit on so heavily was trying to elicit a sympathy vote. That’s of course about as cold and as calculating a move as you would expect to see from any of them, including Hillary Clinton. I would normally consider it a stretch for him, but given he still has advisors doing a lot of his thinking for him, I wouldn’t put it past him.

But in the end, even that didn’t help. He knew it, and decided not to run.

The Democrats are a lost cause for this election cycle and they know it. The ironic part here is that of all of them, Biden, recognizing he had no chance whatsoever was the smartest one of them all and decided to get out while the getting was good.

And so, what many saw as the only salvation possible for the Democrat tickets for this presidential cycle, waddles off into the sunset. We are left with the spectacle of the old socialist, and Bernie Sanders. And of course a rather largest field of also-rans such as Malloy for example, all scrambling to see how much of other people’s money they can give away for the purpose of buying votes. Let’s face it, they’re not going to get anywhere.

So as it was last time, this is the Republicans race to lose. And that, as I have been saying for years now, comes down to them actually being smart enough to embrace conservatives instead of actively working against them as they have been. At the moment I regard those chances of something less than 50 50. But that’s another post.