Glenn notes today

FROM VOX, OF ALL PLACES, A FLASHBACK:Obama’s History Of Pandering To the Anti-Vaxxers.Here’s Obama in 2008: “We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it.” The reason why the Left is suddenly trying to tie this to GOP candidates is that it’s a big anti-science problem for their camp, and they’re trying to blow enough smoke to obscure that.

Related: Mother Jones, today, attacking Republicans for vaccine doubts.

Mother Jones in 2004: “Are the CDC, the FDA, and other health agencies covering up evidence that a mercury preservative in children’s vaccines caused a rise in autism?

That’s certainly a dramatic shift. But let’s examine why it occurred. Does anybody not suppose is that the shift of healthcare over to the purview of government via Obama are, didn’t have anything to do with this?

Consider this carefully… Their 2008 position is completely incompatible with their overt support of big government, since their 2008 position would inherently question the right of government to make those decisions about vaccinations, wouldn’t it?

Then again, perhaps we should note were the majority of these people are. Glenn does this admirably…

HE SAID “NO, REALLY, I’M NOT JOKING.” Where Is Vaccine Noncompliance? “He said take a map and put a pin wherever there’s a Whole Foods.”

Related: The Atlantic: Wealthy L.A. Schools’ Vaccination Rates Are as Low as South Sudan’s. Hollywood parents say not vaccinating makes “instinctive” sense. Now their kids have whooping cough. Stupid anti-science Bible-belters.

Getting the picture here? In other words, there’s a whole bunch of smoke being thrown up on this, and not a whole bunch of flames. But that problem gets multiplied once the power of law gets behind it.

One Response to “The Double Standard, Writ Large”


  1. EricFlorack