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Dim Won Ignores Real Problems for Fake Ones

Obama_Barack-chaiir [1]Dim Won, b/k/a Barack Obama has a consistent pattern.   He ignores real problems like global terrorism but rather concentrates on largely imaginary problems like anthropogenic global warming or the college rape culture.

Example, from Nice Deb [2]:

Obama was asked whether he believes the media “overstates” the threat of terrorism at the expense of other stories, like “climate change and epidemic disease.”

“Absolutely. I don’t blame the media for that. What’s the famous saying about local newscasts? If it bleeds, it leads. You show crime stories and you show fires, because that’s what folks watch. It’s all about ratings,” he answered.

Example two: Ashe Schow, Washington Examiner [3]:

“Right now, nearly 1 in 5 women in America has been a victim of rape or attempted rape,” President Obama said Sunday night in a message played during the Grammys. “And more than 1 in 4 women has experienced some form of domestic violence.”


These numbers are wildly out of line with national crime statistics, which don’t show anywhere near that number of rapes in the past two decades. Those statistics show fewer than 2 million rapes being reported in that time frame. Even accounting for the fact that many rapes go unreported, the number Obama gave Sunday night is staggering. It would mean that just 6.3 percent of rapes and attempted rapes are reported

Example Three, Ralph Peters, National Review [4]:

In his ignorant and bigoted remarks to religious leaders this week, President Obama parroted jihadi propaganda. Bored (when not annoyed) by facts, the president referred to the Crusades and the Inquisition as evidence of the horrors religion can wreak. That kind of talk emboldens the Islamist line that Christian bad behavior justifies the Middle East’s bad behavior even today.

The president knows as little about history as he does about warfare, and even less about religion.

Dim Won is ignorant, and ignorant people with power are dangerous.