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Cantor’s Gone. So, Can We Now Stop Hearing the Leftist Press Chanting ‘The Tea Party is Dead”?.

With the morning, comes word that Eric Cantor lost his primary bid to a Tea Party candidate by the name of Brat, who I actually know very little about.

To say this is historic and powerful understates the point by several orders of Richter. For one thing, this would be the first time a sitting Whip has lost a primary bid since 1899.

The actual voting shows a nearly 40 point swing from what the Karl Rove types were telling him would happen…. and THAT with Cantor spending something like 24 times the money on his primary campaign.

There seems little doubt that there wasn’t going to be much Cantor could have done in the face of the Tea Party steamroller.  Consider that money difference. What could Cantor have done, spent 50 times the money?

All this is good news for conservatives, which as I’ve indicated several times in the past, Cantor isn’t.  It’s also as loud a wakeup call as has been issued yet to the GOP. There’s only one way to read this thing…. and I’ve said it before… the average American is more to the conservative side than anything the GOP leadership has coughed up since the Contract with America.

So, several points spring from this.

* Where principles are involved, money cant guarantee elections.

* Cantor was a terrible candidate, spending 24 times as much and being a little better than half as effective. (As a side note, one wonders if his spending record in Congress is of the like?)

*The Tea Party aint dead

*The Karl Rove types advising Cantor and his people should be looking at another line of work.  Their suppositions about what the american voter wants have yet again proven inaccurate at best.

* If it wants to survive, the GOP MUST give up on this misbegotten notion of the non-existent political center.  Or at least understand that the political center of the country cannot be measured by taking the extreme ends and dividing by two.  The actual political center is far to the right of what either Democrats AND Republicans have been offering up.