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Intelligence Failure?

One big meme coming out of the Ben Rhodes memo fallout, is that there was an intel failure, and that’s where the problem was… that there wasn’t a concerted effort to cover up the foreign policy failures of this White House and a culpability in the deaths of ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 others.

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An intel failure is what happened to a large degree, in the case of Iraq… a point admitted by every western intel agency in the western world. As you may recall, the Democrats to this day, weren’t buying that argument, opting instead to chant the mantra… to this day… that W simply wanted to start a war… without reason. Of course, we know better now, though the Democrats still won’t admit it.

Yet, now, a lot of Dems, including Jane Harmon on today’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ are busy trotting out the argument that the ‘its a protest about a video’ meme was the best guess of the Intel folks at the time… that what we had was not deliberately misleading on the part of the White House, that it was an Intel failure.

First of all, it was not… observe the testimony of the DID of AFRICOM at the time. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/05/01/benghazi-testimony-africom-general/8554559/ [2]

(Link tool still isn’t working right on this phone ap, sorry)

But more importantly, it seems to me a measure of the trapped desperation the Democrats must be feeling to employ an argument in this case, that they employed so much spittle arguing against such a short time ago.

Then, there is the spectre of the Rhodes memo itself, and why, when the Issa committee subpoenaed  ALL such documents from State, why it didn’t show up show up until after a court order, months later. That question in fact is why John Kerry was subpoenaed… and why Democrat slime ball Elijah Cummings is playing the game I noted yesterday, with respect to that subpoena.

The feeling is overwhelming. We are getting close to something. Something that the Democrats… both the Obamabots and the Clintonistas, are desperate to keep from public view. Its a matter of time now, before it pops up. 

The whole meme of the left the last 60 years has been dodging the consequences of their choices and those of their supporters.

No, I mean it. Consider… You’re an illegal alien/ No problem, we will take care of that. No jail time, no deportation. You don’t wanna work? You wanna have kids you can’t afford?  We can help. Well get someone else to pay for your poor choices.

Its more of the same, here. It seems to me clear that what we have is a concerted effort on the part of this administration to dodge the political consequences of a foreign policy that was and demonstrably remains, an abject failure. A fatal failure for at least four folks, to say nothing of the members of the military who have died implementing that failure of a foreign policy. The question is, will we get justice here, or will the Democrats succeed in their stonewalling to the point of dodging the consequences?