Obama_clown-noseThe Obama regime has issued a report edict purported to intend to protect college coeds from the infamous and evil male rape culture:

(CNN) — The Obama administration on Monday took another step in its effort to combat rape on college campuses with the release of a new report.

The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault produced the 20-page report. The task force, including Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, spent the last three months talking to “thousands of people” and compiled a number of very specific recommendations:


The administration calls for further training for those who deal with sexual violence on college campuses.

“Insensitive or judgmental comments — or questions that focus on a victim’s behavior (e.g., what she was wearing, her prior sexual history) rather than on the alleged perpetrator’s — can compound a victim’s distress,” the report notes.

To which I say, male bovine scat*. You can not be nonjudgmental is you simply assume that a female accuser behavior in no way contributed to the event about which is the subject of her complaint. You can not protect women from the so-called rape culture by remaining mute on the dressing like a slut and getting stone cold drunk among a group of strangers.

I am not pro-rape but I also believe that even the lowly male deserves a presumption of innocence and due process. Alas making such outrageous demand of constitutional protect will could make me a leper like Cliven Bundy.

* To those inflicted with a Common Core education, just bull shit

One Response to “Obama’s Rape Culture: Real Or Imaginary”


  1. EricFlorack