Hat tip:   Cripes Suzette

Hat tip: Cripes Suzette

The Fat Lady of the United Statesa (FLOTUS), a/k/a Michelle Obama has decided to butt out of a Topeka high school graduation, from Hill:

First lady Michelle Obama is scrapping her plans to deliver a graduation speech for high school seniors in Topeka, Kan., after hundreds signed a petition in protest. Instead of delivering a graduation speech, Obama will speak before the school district the day before graduation, and will deliver remarks at a “Senior Recognition Day.” More than 1,750 people had signed a petition protesting the first lady’s appearance at the graduation ceremony, angered that security concerns would limit the number of friends and family who could attend.

It is not confirmed that the school could not accommodate both the over sized butt of FLOTUS and the student body at the same time. Need less to say, a graduation ceremony should be about the achievementa and aspireations to the actual students and not merely a back drop for yetr another campaign rally.

2 Responses to “FLOTUS Butts Outs of Topeka High School Graduation”


  1. EricFlorack
  2. Keith McNeil