Look at the bright side, Congresscritter elect Mark Sanford will not be the only reprobate in Congress, from Fox News:

Former Republican South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford revived a scandal-scarred political career by winning back his old congressional seat Tuesday in a district that hasn’t elected a Democrat in three decades.

The comeback was complete when he defeated Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch, the sister of political satirist Stephen Colbert. With 87 percent of the precincts reporting, Sanford had 54 percent of the vote.

Memo to Elizabeth Colbert Busch, you could not beat a political dead man, who had no national party support and with the entire media on your side.   Does Mickey D need a new burger flipper?

Memo to Mark Sanford, you a reprobate.

2 Responses to “South Carolina – One: Lazarus Arises (Mark Sanford)”


  1. EricFlorack
  2. Ron Watson