The United STates Senate is where people of modest intellect go to grow old and stupid, video:

Math is hard. Dirty Harry Reid hss  not passed a budget in over four yearss  and he can’t do math, reax and hat tip from, Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard:

“When we had that devastating Katrina, we were there within days, taking care of Mississippi, Alabama, and especially Louisiana,” said Reid. “Within days. We are now past two months with the people of New York. And the people of New Orleans, in that area, they were hurt, but nothing in comparison to what’s happened to the people in New England.”

Nearly 1,500 died because of Katrina. About 110 died because of Sandy.

Then did Dirty Harry mean to suggest that George W. Bush cared more about the black residents of New Orleans than President Fifty Seven States cares about white folks in STaten Island and Queens.