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Are Sexual Predators Born That Way?

Animals are controlled by their desires. Civilized men and women are judged by the outcomes of their behavior That is why animals are deemed to trained, or not. Whereas mankind has become civilized.

So what behavior4 is worse, a sexual predator like B.J. Clinton  who has molested a raped what a half a dozen woman, or an enabler like Mrs Clinton who protects her predator husband for her own personal political power?

Who is worse a serial child molester like Jerry Sandusky, Pervert State University, or purported man of the cloth, like the Reverend ev. Benedict Groeschel, [1]?

Is an act any less evil if the  actor can proffer an excuse?   Shall we judge an act as evil by the harm it does to its victim or by the creativity, or lack thereof  same, of the actor’s excuse?

From a hopelessly confused Cord Jefferson, Gawker [2]:

It’s not easy to listen to Terry talk about the time he had sex with a seven-year-old girl. But after his psychotherapist put us in touch, he agreed to lay it all out for me during a phone call and email, and I was enthralled the way one might stare at a man falling from a bridge. Terry is 38, a small-business owner, and deeply religious—he ends all our correspondence by saying, “Blessings to you, Cord”—but back then when it happened Terry was 20 and a meth head. He was living with his then-wife, his marriage to whom had made him the co-guardian of her two nieces and a nephew. The one niece was a baby, but the other was seven, and it wasn’t long before Terry, addicted and in a marriage he calls “abusive,” fell for his niece and began a sexual relationship with her.

Terry seven year old victim could not be reached for comment. I heard two statutory rape cases, and in neither case did anybody deem it important to ponder why the accused raped a child. It was not important then, and is not important now.

Hat tip and reax, Clayton Cramer [3]:

The article itself starts off with a bit too graphic of an account by one of these unfortunate ones–no, not the victim, but the poor misunderstood child molester. Unsurprisingly, academics in Canada are working hard to make us sympathize with pedophiles, and the “born this way” and “can’t really change” themes appear. Of course, there is no discussion of whether this is a learned behavior, which much of the existing literature on child abuse recognizes.

In the voice of Mrs. Clinton, is it not the role of the Village, society, to understand perverts, whether born or made, but rather to protect their children, future, from them.    If the Village will not protect society from the Jerry Sandusky’s of the world,  it left to the villager himself.

If  you find Terry crawling thru your seven year old daughter’s bedroom window at three in the morning, do yo0u want to find out Terry’s excuse or your Browning shotgun?

If  one were to plum blow a child rapist’s head clean off,  would Doctors Vernon Quinsey and Hubert Van Gijseghem testify that you were born that way, with an innate desire to protect your children?