Let the feminist put their collective heads together and find a sport in which women, not girls,  can complete without submitting to starvation diet,  from R. S. McCain, Other McCain:

[I]’s not a sport for grown-ups. Pubescent girls can perform at levels that no mature woman can hope to match, and the petite physique type which is ideal for women’s gymnastics is ideal in no other sport….
Responsible adulthood, however, requires us to resist the mindless consumption of whatever TV is selling, and “Olympic fever” is a made-for-TV commodity whose value should be viewed skeptically.

If there is to be a competition to determine which nation has the most highly-skilled diminutive adolescent girls, it is my patriotic duty to hope that America wins the contest. But I reserve the right to observe that this is a freakishly weird thing to compete over.

Call me old fashioned, but I see no purpose in promoting a pseudo sport where normal physical development is disqualification.

Hat tip: Professor Althouse.


Which female competitor is the real woman?

Which one belong back in her primary school?