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Obamacare V USSC

I’m not had a chance to read the ruling and the dissent as yet. I will be tackling that over the next day or so.

However I have made a couple of conclusions already… based on some of the quotes being tossed out there. The majority ruling would seem to be somewhat self- contradictory, particularly as regards what is a tax in what is a penalty.

I see no good coming from this ruling. And I mean for either side. Yes Obama and company will declare victory… and didn’t do you have already done so. then again obama and his apologist declare victory after last years disasterous midterm elections. So, I’m not convinced we should take their victory dance seriously at all.

As I say, I will be reading the ruling this evening and probably reporting on it sometime over the weekend.

Addendum:  (DavidL)

True, I’d rather see Obama Care dead, and it is still alive.  However, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts, Obama Care is now closer to being dead, and easier to kill.    The democrats have been using this it is a tax, it is not a tax shell game.   Now a stake has been driven through the heart of the theory that Congress can create a class of commerce for the sole purpose or regulating it.

Democrats who defend Obama Care, do so by taking ownership fo the largest tax increase in our nation’s history.     Barack Obama adamantly defended Obama Care as not a tax.  He now defends the Roberts’ ruling declaring his pet cause a tax.

Let hope the House passes a straight forward repeal of Obama Care,   and sends it to the Senate.   As a revenue bill, Dirty Harry can not filibuster it.   How many incumbent democrat senator want to sign on to the support an unpopular tax bill?

I still think Roberts was wrong.   The government has argued before the courts that is not a tax.   The Chief Justice should have taken the government at her word.