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Fauxasquawa is the New Wisconsin

As a conservative, you just have to love where the libtards are drawing their proverbial line in the sand.   First, the libs wage a die hard suicide attack in formerly deep blue Wisconsin.   Now the liberals all going all in to reclaim the Senate seat of the long time known drunk, the late Senator Oldsmobile.    In Massachusetts, all a politician needed to win an election was a D suffixed to his name.   Not the case any more, from my new most favorite co-bloggger,  Anne Sorock, Legal Insurrection [1]:

If you love Daily Kos, Van Jones and Keith Ellison, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.  If you love public employee unions running the state, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.  If you loved the Wisconsin Recall, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.

The big union and Hollywood money and progressive media machine are going all in for Warren.  It’s where they are making their stand (and so are we at LI for just that reason).

The liberals are fighting,  and losing, their battles in traditionally blue states.

Don’t worry, I still love Darleen [2].