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Brett Kimberlin Gets Free Online Anal Examination

Patterico, whos day job is assistant district attorney, demonstrates his professional skills by giving the Speedway Bomber, b/k/a Brett Kimberlin an on-line anal examination.   Patterico  makes his case in detail.   From Patterico examination of Kimberlin, I draw two easy conclusions:

One, Kimberlin is hypersensitive:

KIMBERLIN: He wrote a blog post that said that I framed him for this alleged assault.

THE COURT: Framed?

KIMBERLIN: That I framed him for this assault, and that I forged the documents from Suburban Hospital, and that I photoshopped pictures of my black eye.

Two, Kimberlin, just isn’t very smart, or chronically dishonest:

WALKER: And you were known as the “Speedway Bomber,” were you not?

KIMBERLIN: I don’t know that.

Via, Patterico’s Pontifications [1].

The Speedway Bomber wants the court to believe that is of offended by blogs post, and Tweets about  him, but his not aware that is known as the Speedway Bomber.  Sure.

Hat tip, Karen, the Lonely Conservative [2].