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Some Thoughts on Sanford, Florida, And the Upcoming National Election

Been having some issues with my laptop this past week, so I have some catching up to do.


One of the issues that I want to cover is of course the Trayvon Martin thing.

I suggested, back when the story first started going viral that it was being twisted and trumped up by the race huxters and anti-gunners… both core constituencies of the Obama regime.   As I expected, I took serious heat for making the suggestion. One such suggestion  was in the Ramble  of the 22nd. [1]

Thing is….. wellll….. Hour by hour, it’s looking more and more like I was spot on.  David’s been doing a superlative job of documenting a large number of bits of information that those clinging to the leftist narrative would rather not have you see.

The only surprise, in fact is how bald faced an attempt to get a scapegoat going this has been, and where it has apparently come from. The degree of cynicism, coming from the left on  this,The level of obvious manipulation,  has been nothing short of breathtaking….

Of course now comes the refusal of the “Me too!” liberals to admit they started making pronouncements about all of this before the evidence was in. we saw one tweet from Will Smith, that cmae up right in line with the left… only to see Smith claim it was fake when the facts started leaking out in direct disagreement with the leftists narrative.

That refusal of the “me, too!” left to admit they were played like chumps by their supposed leaders, is a telling story…  and it has started putting question marks in a lot of people’s heads…. Has this kind of  group-non-think been going on all along?  The obvious answer is “Yes” and it’s embarrassed a number of folks.  It’s shown the degree to which the “black community” can and is manipulated on a daily basis, in ways that have not been done since, well, Duke University Lacrosse players were accused, and before that when the name Tawana Brawley was all over the papers.

In each one of those cases, the left… in which the race and poverty pimp industry is of course rooted… spent a great deal of effort, pushing the mantra that America is racist, and pointing angrily to these cases as a prime example of that racism. All the usual suspects came out to play, then as now.

Now, when the facts came out other than the mantra, they tried to deny the facts presented. When those facts became undeniable, even for them, they simply clammed up for a while. .. only to try the same play again,in the more recent cases.

That the examples used to push the mantra of American racism have repeatedly been exposed as flat out lies,  and those pushing it as bald-faced liars… matters not at all to those who want to believe that mantra… that often have their entire being wrapped tightly around that mantra.  That’s why this ploy is so repeatedly successful. So successful is it, , that people are willing to commit violent acts to ensure the continuance of the lie. [2]

These would have you ignore the fact that Zimmerman, the alleged shooter, is a registered Democrat. That he is not as the leftist press has been saying white, but rather Hispanic.  That the gated community involved ere is about 49% ethnic… hardly a bastion of rich white folk. That eyewitnesses had reported Martin on top of Zimmerman, beating the snot out of him.  That the largest percentage of murders in this country are black and black crime…. Which given the smaller percentage there are of blacks vs the general population,  makes the per-capita rates rather startling. As Juan Williams says the other day, nothing is being said about this…. The reason why of course is these facts don’t fit the narrative that the anti-gunners, poverty pimps and leftists in general will have you believe.

Do not doubt for a moment, dear readers, that it’s these people on which the left is resting it’s re-election chances on. Remember  the story a while of a while ago, containing the comment from Obama’s re-election staffers that they’d pretty much written off white working class people for the upcoming election? [3] Given that, they need to really get the leftie base riled up, particularly the black vote. Obviously, they’ve decided to use the social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, to further that lockstep.  This is uniting the country, Obama style. Welcome to hope and change.

The question becomes however, how many of the people who initially signed on to this nonsense are going to wake up.  Oh, I’m quite sure there will always be true believers attached.  Without these, the likes of Al Sharpton would have ended up in political oblivion some years ago.

I commend to your reading a column by Juan Williams.  [4] A taste:

Juan Williams [5]

Juan Williams

Nationally, nearly half of all murder victims are black. And the overwhelming majority of those black people are killed by other black people. Where is the march for them?

Where is the march against the drug dealers who prey on young black people? Where is the march against bad schools, with their 50% dropout rate for black teenaged boys? Those failed schools are certainly guilty of creating the shameful 40% unemployment rate for black teens.

How about marching against the cable television shows constantly offering minstrel-show images of black youth as rappers and comedians who don’t value education, dismiss the importance of marriage, and celebrate killing people, drug money and jailhouse fashion—the pants falling down because the jail guard has taken away the belt, the shoes untied because the warden removed the shoe laces, and accessories such as the drug dealer’s pit bull.

Supposedly all of this is just entertainment and intended to co-opt the stereotypes. But it only ends up perpetuating stereotypes in white minds and, worse, having young black people internalize it as an authentic image of a proud black person.

There is no fashion, no thug attitude that should be an invitation to murder. But these are the real murderous forces surrounding the Martin death—and yet they never stir protests.

Of course that’s true.  The reason is simple; there is nothing to gain in terms of the race hucksters mantra if you point this out.  It runs afoul of the image of a racist America. That information runs afoul of the left’s efforts to rouse the rabble. There are a large number of people who will benefit politically from the death of trade on Martin, provided that the mantra of “this death is the result of racism” is continued. it’s not unlike what leftists have done in the past when someone has died. If you need reminders, I give you the Paul Wellstone funeral and pep rally.

(note the use of the phrase “social and economic justice” in that video. Pretty much as it is now, no? A clue as to the political forces that have attached themselves to this in hopes of political gain.)

Finally, I observe the possibility of race riots occurring, if Obama does not gain reelection.  I wonder how long it will be before that threat becomes headline material.  It has after all worked so well in the past.  Being, of course, just another tool of the leftist race huckster. But before we pick up stones to start another riot over the issue of race and the supposed predominant American racism, perhaps the question should be asked if America is so very racist, how was it that we have a black president? A black attorney general? And so on.


A question I doubt they’ll ever answer.