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Well At Least Organize Wall Street Never Said Nigger

The entire Tea Party movement was deemed racist because Congressman John Lewis alleged, albeit without proof, that somebody, presumed to a member of the Tea Party, called him a nigger.   Well so fare as I know, no member of Organize Wall Street had been accused of using the vile N-word, video:

Hat tip: Right Sphere. [1]

Imagine the uproar if anybody at Tea Party were to have been videoed demanding that black go back to Africa, where in fact few have ever been, or that illegal Mexican immigrants go back to Mexico, which by the way is where they belong.

In OWS land, respect is a one way street.   The OWS  demand it but do not give it, video:

Hat tip: William A. Jacobson, Legal Insurrection [2].

Organizing Wall Street is more akin to a bowel movement than a political movement.