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Breakfast Scramble

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Mrs Clinton still stuck on stupid, Telegraph [1](UK):

The US Secretary of State urged “bold leadership” from all sides to resolve one of the world’s most intractable disputes.

Speaking at a dinner attended by the ambassadors of Israel and several Arab states, Mrs Clinton urged Israel to “refrain from unilateral statements and actions” that could undermine peace.

Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu has embraced the vision of the two-state solution,” she said.

“But easing up on access and movement in the West Bank, in response to credible Palestinian security performance, is not sufficient to prove to the Palestinians that this embrace is sincere

Jerusalem is neither a settlement nor a provocation.  Rather it is the ancient, historic capital of the Jewish state.  Mrs.  Clinton might as well declare Rome off-limits to Catholics.

Elie Wiesel, on Jerusalem, via Jennifer Rubin, Commentary [2]:

For me, the Jew that I am, Jerusalem is above politics. It is mentioned more than six hundred times in Scripture — and not a single time in the Koran. Its presence in Jewish history is overwhelming. There is no more moving prayer in Jewish history than the one expressing our yearning to return to Jerusalem. To many theologians, is IS Jewish history, to many poets, a source of inspiration. It belongs to the Jewish people and is much more than a city, it is what binds one Jew to another in a way that remains hard to explain. When a Jew visits Jerusalem for the first time, it is not the first time; it is a homecoming. The first song I heard was my mother’s lullaby about and for Jerusalem. Its sadness and joy are part of our collective memory

Then I really doubt that Mrs. Clinton gives a darn what a effing Jew thinks about his historical capital city.    You can not create a two state solution when one state refuses to recognize the other state’s very right to exist.   Much like Mrs.  Clinton belief in the right of the yet to be born to live.

Charles Krauthammer[s] Dim Won’s fatuous nuclear summit, video:

Hat tip: Daily Caller [3].

Yo Bro:

From the transcript:

O’DONNELL, TO MAN: There aren’t a lot of African-American men at these events.


O’DONNELL: Have you ever felt uncomfortable?

POSTELL: No, no, these are my people, Americans.

O’DONNELL: A new CBS News/New York Times poll finds 18 percent of Americans say they support the movement. Within that group most are white men over 45, better educated and wealthier than the general public


Hat tip: Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit [4].

Is political correctness a disease, via Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury [5]; and Steve Sailer,VDARE [6]:

Individuals with Rare Disorder Have No Racial Biases

Robin Nixon

Never has a human population been found that has no racial stereotypes. Not in other cultures or far-flung countries. Nor among tiny tots or people with various psychological conditions.

Until now.

Children with Williams syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that makes them lack normal social anxiety, have no racial biases.

Note that sufferers of Williams  syndrome are genetically disposed to behave in truly politically correct manner and sadly mugged by the reality of the real world.    Then if they get mugged by the real world,  they  have an excuse.  What is your?