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Brit Hume

The commentary that sent the libtards aghast, video

Reax La Shawn Barber: [1]

First, that “many high-profile Christians have had damaging sex scandals” doesn’t negate or contradict Christ’s call to repent of our sins, to confess faith in his finished work on the cross to blot out sin, and to obey his commands. Christians are still sinners, living in fallen bodies in a fallen world, and our behavior doesn’t absolve unbelievers of their call to believe.

Yes, I cringe every time I hear or read about people, high-profile or otherwise, who say they’re Christians and yet do the most shameful things. In fact, I’m ashamed of myself for the “un-Christian” things I do, even though I know, in my bones, I am forgiven.

More, Anchorcss [2]:

I am sure if Brit Hume had but opined t hat Jesus would have  supported Obamacare, asses like Steve Benen would have had no problem with Hume expressing a religious opinion.    Alas Hume expressed a belief that not all religions are the same.   Such is life.