Sam Youngman, Hill:

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Even as he travels through Asia, President Barack Obama said Saturday that he has ordered a full investigation of what happened last week at Fort Hood, Texas, and he promises accountability for mistakes made that allowed the tragic shootings.

The president, in his weekly radio address, said he is aware that Congress will pursue its own inquiries, “but all of us should resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater that sometimes dominates the discussion here in Washington”

Sure Barry!    From Phillip Klien, Spectator, via Andy McCarthy, National Review:

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who as a judge presided over a trial stemming from the first attack on the World Trade Center, on Friday warned that the Obama administration’s decision to bring Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York, along with three other terrorist detainees, to stand trial in a civilian court, reflected a pre-9/11 mindset that viewed terrorism as a simple criminal matter.

Barry warns against using the pending court-martial of Major. Nidal Hasan as political theatre, while ordering the show trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and traveling to Japan to kiss Emperor Akihito’s ass.    So far all  Barry has done is to engage in political theatre.

Speaking of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.   In 2006 Barry thought, or at least opined,   KSM would get a fair trial in military tribunal,  roll the video:

In hindsight, it is now easy to see why Barry didn’t like showing up for his Senate job.

So if an Barack Obama so boldy asserted in 2006, a military trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be fair, why does Barry now want to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civil court?

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