spitzer2.jpgSay what you will about Client Number Nine, a/k/a Eliot Spiter, b/k/a disgraced former governor of New York, he is not a brave man.   Maggie Haberman, New York Post:

Less than 18 months after he left Albany in a prostitution scandal, Spitzer has held informal discussions in recent weeks about the possibility of making a bid for state comptroller or the US Senate seat currently held by Kirsten Gillibrand, sources said.

Michelle seem to suggests that Silda just wants to get Eliot out of the house.   Ed Morrissey,  Hot Air, offers a reason why:

It’s not only hypocritical, it’s corrupt.  And worst of all, Spitzer dragged his wife onto the dais with him when he resigned instead of standing by himself and taking his medicine.  That takes a special kind of testicular inadequacy, one that should stick to him like a political tattoo

Moe Lane suggests Client Nine just does not like women:

As to his chances… well, he’s anti-Wall Street, a particularly annoying sort of moralist, and not very nice, which would be positive traits to progressive Democrats; he’s got a history of at-best questionable treatment of women, which would be… not really a deal-breaker for progressive Democrats, apparently; and progressive Democrats don’t like Gillibrand.  So Spitzer might actually have a shot.

While Senator Schumer likes to fancy him the smartest man in the room, like the late Senator Oldsmobile, Chuckie never passed a bar either.    If Spitzer had gonads half the size of his ego, he would take on Schumer and not Kristen Gillibrand.    But we all know bullies are essentially cowards.

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