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Home on the Range

Just to show that I have a non-judgemental side, I present  this interesting tale posted by Darleen Click, Protein Wisdom: [1]

There is a good case to be made that Bridget Kevan [2] got a bum deal when she was arrested for dropping her kids and friends (two 12 y/os, and an 8, 7 and 3 y/o) at the mall and returned to her home for a rest. Now this is Bozeman, Montana — population 27,000. Not exactly NYCity, Chicago or El-Lay so Bridget’s decision to let the kids free range [2] can be debated from “no problem” to “bad judgement” with reasoned discourse from both sides. Bridget’s arrest does seem more of an over-reaction, or, as she describes it, as a opportunity for the police and prosecuter to “make an example of her.” Of the few things that troubled me about her tale was how she lapses into “I’m being persecuted because I’m an educated woman! I’m a professor, dammit, these things are not supposed to happen to someone like me!”

I am struck by Darleen’s comment:

By the time my oldest was about 14, I would take the girls to the mall and drop them off with a budget and a mission for them to buy their own school clothes. It was a fast learning lesson in smart shopping because they knew they didn’t get one cent more for clothing until Christmas.

Tough love?

So my quewtion is not if Professo4 Kevan was right or wrong.   Rather as to using the local mall as a daycare center, how mamy  have “been there, done that”  as wither the drop-offee or the drop-offer?   As more me. I have.   I have get the age, but me and by brother were  left to wonder a mall on our own.