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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14

  • @melissatweets [1] Sorry, melissa… I'm with @donsurber [2] on this one.  # [3]
  • @melissatweets [1] no question it has it's place… but not if you're going to get personal.  # [4]
  • @melissatweets [1] remember, this is the same site that urged people to phtgh gop delegates in hopes of using em againt the gop.  # [5]
  • @michellemalkin [6] whole thing reminds of Nixon firing Archibald Cox, doesn't it?  # [7]
  • @EdMorrissey [8] firing an investigator? Nixon and Cox… it has the same smell execpt the dems won't care this time # [9]
  • RT @MelissaTweets: The dearth of cable news coverage on Iran isn't proof of MSM bias, it's proof that nothing interrupts the MSM's wknd off # [10]
  • @MelissaTweets [11] Well, look, what kind of resources do they ahve on the ground there?  in reply to MelissaTweets [12] # [13]
  • @MelissaTweets [11] and for that matter, how many are interested in wartime pay?  in reply to MelissaTweets [14] # [15]
  • @MelissaTweets [11] I suppose, but not even sure I trust that at this point.  in reply to MelissaTweets [16] # [17]
  • RT @PatrickRuffini: RT @jstrevino: Please note that all identified Twitterers from Iran have fallen silent in the past hour.  # [18]
  • @PatrickRuffini [19] Cutoff of the whole net, I wonder?  in reply to PatrickRuffini [20] # [21]