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Krugman’s Version of Bipartisanship

The utility of Paul Krugman to right-side bloggers, arguing against the left is nothing short of breathtaking. Case in point, his most recent article at the left-leaning New York Times. [1] After years of complaining that Republicans were being too partisan, and begging for them to act in a bipartisan manner, look at how he acts toward those Democrats who act in a bipartisan manner:


The question now is whether we will nonetheless fail to get that change, because a handful of Democratic senators are still determined to party like it’s 1993.

And yes, I mean Democratic senators. The Republicans, with a few possible exceptions, have decided to do all they can to make the Obama administration a failure. Their role in the health care debate is purely that of spoilers who keep shouting the old slogans — Government-run health care! Socialism! Europe! — hoping that someone still cares.

The polls suggest that hardly anyone does.

Of course the last is a rather fat untruth… and one I’m not going to bother dismantling, today.

What Krugman has provided us with, though, is yet another example of how Democrats really view the bipartisanship they spent two decaes crying for. Once they got power, it all changed.