I commented the other day, about Billy Beck’s writing on the anniversary of his father’s death.  As I told him offline, in other correspondence, he has the (I think, rare) gift for casting the thoughts surrounding those events into words. I think it has to do with his thought processes. I dont’ think his emotions surrounding it all are that unique… as I told him, I saw a lot of myself in this piece of his. I think it’s that he actually sits down and sorts out those feelings so as to accurately cast them into words.

I comment on all of this again, because today marks the 9th year my Dad’s been gone from us.  He’s certainly special to me, as Billy’s Dad is to him. But I got a rather special glimpse of him through my wife’s eyes for a few years, there. Her father died before we met, and as she and I grew closer, and got married and started out lives together,  I watched as my Dad became more of a father figure to Donna, too.  That made me attend in detail, what a special guy he was.  Sometimes, you need to see things though someone else’s eyes… a second perspective to get real focus on the matter.

I’ve commented on my Dad previously, of course.  In looking at that piece, I still think it powerful, but perhaps it’s just me because the thing is so personal, i don’t know.

In looking at the Calendar, I see Father’s day is coming up again on the 21st of this month… a little over a week away, now.  They don’t read this site much, so I take no caution here in telling you that on that day, my boys will, as they have in post years, go about trying to make me feel special. For the last nine years or so, that has always made me a little sad, mindful that I won’t have that chance with my own Dad, again.

I’ll leave the messages there, implicit.

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