Diversity is not a synonym for affirmative action.   Rather diversity is code speak for bigotry.   Affirmative action is a narrowly tailored remedy for past proven discrimination.   Whereas diversity does away with the requirement to establish past discrimination,    It is  flat out racism, the dubious proposition that merit some attach’s simply by the trait of not being white.    When the ilk of David Duke argue that being white is somehow a virtue, that is racism.   Likewise when Sonia Sotomayor argues that virtue attach’s itself by the like process for not being white, that too is racism.

Chief Justice John Roberts:

“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

Given the Robert’s Remedy, there is no why for a bigot like Sotomayor to ever help move her nation past the question of race.   Further complicating the matter is that  Stotomayor is sexist as well, David D. Kirkpatrick, New York Times:

Sonia Sotomaryor (circa 1978)Judge Sotomayor, whose parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico, has championed the importance of considering race and ethnicity in admissions, hiring and even judicial selection at almost every stage of her career – as a student activist at Princeton and at Yale Law School, as a board member of left-leaning Hispanic advocacy groups and as a federal judge arguing for diversity on the bench.

Given that Sotomayor has been nominated to replace the truly mediocre David Souter,  it should have been easy for President Obama to upgrade the quality of the Supreme Court.   Sadly, for the one, doing the right thing is never easy.

Hat tip photo:   Seeetness & Light.

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