Sonia Sotomayor, is a racist and bigot, via Stuart Taylor, Jr, National Journal:

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life”

Sotomayor echos what David Duke might say:

“I would hope that a wise white male  with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a Latino womaan who hasn’t lived that life”

If Duke were so stupid as to  utter such a statement, it would take all if what  three microseconds for sites like Stink Progress, to denounce Duke, for the racist that he is.   I note that Duke would have troible getting elected dog catcher.  The fact that my hypothetical Duke statement only reverses the sex and racial descriptioned used by Sotomayor, does make  it any more or less offensive than Sotomayor, real statement.

The Great One, Rush Limbaugh called Sotomayor a ‘reverse racist,”   I disagree.  Racism on a one way street.

Mike Huckabee, of whom I have little use, does at least steps up to the plate, via Ben Smith, Politico:

The appointment of Maria[sic]  Sotomayor for the Supreme Court is the clearest indication yet that President Obama’s campaign promises to be a centrist and think in a bipartisan way were mere rhetoric. Sotomayor comes from the far left and will likely leave us with something akin to the “Extreme Court” that could mark a major shift. The notion that appellate court decisions are to be interpreted by the “feelings” of the judge is a direct affront of the basic premise of our judicial system that is supposed to apply the law without personal emotion. If she is confirmed, then we need to take the blindfold off Lady Justice.-

Recently Colin Powell has been making noises about his beefs with his perception of  republican party leadership.    Well Huckabee has weighed in,    Can Powell boldly go where no RINO has gone before?   I freeping dowbt it, but prove me wrong  General.

Addendum: (update and bump)

What it is when liberals are willing to attack a mediorce nominee, but republicans are splineless. The liberal Johnathan Turley does republicans are afraid to do, tell the truth about Sotomayor, video:

This is fight we can win, but we have to fight it first.

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