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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-12

  • @VodkaPundit [1] Boost traffic? Oh… on the SITE. Sorry… I was elsewhere for a minute there.  in reply to VodkaPundit [2] # [3]
  • You might be a liberal if . . .You think that consenting adults can engage freely in every activity except capitalism.  # [4]
  • You might be a liberal if . . .You think that consenting adults can engage freely in every activity except capitalism. #tcot [5] # [6]
  • You might be a liberal if …You think that if someone is getting richer, someone, somewhere, must be getting poorer. #tcot [5] # [7]
  • You might be a liberal if …You believe that more federal regulations will make your life better. #tcot [5] # [8]
  • U might be a liberal if U think that Limbaugh’s listeners are mindless”dttoheads,” but you never doubt anything from Michael Moore. #tcot [5] # [9]
  • U might be a liberal if…yoou believe in global warming today just as firmly as you believed in global cooling back in the 1970s. #tcot [5] # [10]
  • U might be a liberal if U’ve no problem w Hollywood movie starts flying around in private jets to give speeches on the evils of SUVs.#tcot [5] # [11]
  • U R almost certainly a liberal if you refuse to admit that you’re a liberal, and accuse anyone of calling you a liberal of McCarthyism.#tcot [5] # [12]
  • Obama Chia pet.. it’s what the world could have waited longer for http://bit.ly/1UJnaQ [13] # [14]
  • looking with a jaundiced eye at the band of snow coming across Lake Erie at me.  # [15]
  • @roddymcorley [16] Oliver Willis is prolly the single most dishonest blogger 2nd only 2 Glenn Greenwald.  # [17]
  • The ShamWow… because someone already had the patent on the Real Wow.  # [18]
  • @thebcast [19] likely, he was appointed to work on healthcare plan because he plays soctor on tv # [20]
  • RT @infidelsarecool: Twitter Tip: Don’t try to sell me something that will get me 20,000 followers when you don’t have 1,000 following you.  # [21]
  • @infidelsarecool [22] Clearly, someone who works in the Obama Budget ofc in reply to infidelsarecool [23] # [24]
  • So, he’s weakened our economy, and now weakens our defenses. No wonder the anti-american euro-weenies like the guy so much.  # [25]
  • So, government says the Chevy Volt will remain even though GM will lose money because nobody’s going to buy it?  Government knows better?  # [26]
  • CBO: Top 1% Earned 19% of Income, Paid 28% of All Taxes Tell me again, about the ‘fairness’ thing, Barry.  # [27]
  • Did you hope things would change? Seems to have slipped the notice of the press, but apparently Obama’s been defending wiretapping.  #tcot [5] # [28]
  • RT @JohnTMitchell:Since Michigan State lost last night Obama removing Tom Izzo as coach & government willcoaching Spartans next season #TCOT [29] # [30]
  • @JohnTMitchell [31] I’ll bet he knows more about soccer than making cars. (And yes, I know Bball…but Barry doesn’t #TCOT [29] in reply to JohnTMitchell [32] # [33]
  • @mattmargolis [34] You know how it is, Matt… they take vindication where they ca find it, and blow it up like an inflatable girlfreind # [35]
  • @mattmargolis [34] Speaking of Airbags, (And replacements) how’s your new ride?  in reply to mattmargolis [36] # [37]
  • @mattmargolis [34] It certainly looks to be acting up. Stuff I’;m getting is a half hour old just now in reply to mattmargolis [38] # [39]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] nice bit on hamsher today. linking in tonight’s Nightly Ramble # [41]
  • @KarlRove [42] Yeah.. took Clinton years to get to the point of failure Obama did in mere weeks. Ah, progress…  # [43]
  • (whispering) I see stupid people. they really think Obana isnlt over his head.  # [44]
  • Check out my new posting at Pajamas Media # [45]
  • @vodkapundit [46] Try it at 70 with yr grandkids. My Dad did that # [47]
  • Who is saving who from the pitchforks, Barry? http://bit.ly/SR4GZ [48] # [49]
  • RT @MelissaTweets: A Dangerous New Global Warming Law http://bit.ly/hDbrN [50] #tcot [5] #spg [51] #912 [52] #hhrs [53] #teaparty [54] | Excellent summary.  # [55]
  • Hey, Barry: If this is a strong response, what exactly constitutes a weak response? http://bit.ly/PQqHW [56] # [57]
  • RT @txsbelle: #tcot [5] #sgp [58] “Obama Team Mulls Aims Of Somali Extremists ” http://tinyurl.com/dxyhk6 [59] These people are laughing at us.  # [60]
  • @txsbelle [61] And not just them. What kind os message does Iran for example get from this non-action on the part of Obama? Jimmy Carter Jr.  in reply to txsbelle [62] # [63]
  • And not just them. What kind os message does Iran for example get from this non-action on the part of Obama? #teaparty [54] #sgp [58] #tcot [5] # [64]
  • @thebuffalobean [65] Did anyone figure that would go any other way? For lack of actual ladership, our ;lieadership’ is in serious trouble in reply to thebuffalobean [66] # [67]
  • RT @captblackeagle: It is a sad day when someone makes Carter and Clinton look like real men. #tcot [5] #nra [68] # [69]
  • Reorg of my office, to make room for a second desktop computer, and a 4th server. Means replacing my 16 port router with a 24 porter, too.  # [70]
  • RT @donsurber: U.S. is weaker than France(Eric: Wasn’t that the goal of Obama?) http://tinyurl.com/cjwegs [71] # [72]
  • RT @MelissaTweets: @VodkaPundit [1] You need to post an avatar with your Clark Kent look. (Eric: Trying tio imagine Superman, drunk. ) # [73]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] @VodkaPundit [1] (That ain’t ALL that’s super if you KWIM) in reply to MelissaTweets [74] # [75]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] @VodkaPundit [1] (I’ll bet I can light those matches on the other end of the bar…) # [76]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] @VodkaPundit [1] (No, I’m tellin’ ya, guys, she’s wearing a thong. ) # [77]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] @VodkaPundit [1] (Look, I can take any bouncer in this dump) # [78]
  • (grin) # [79]
  • @drjjoyner [80] Squidoo, James? What’s that?  in reply to drjjoyner [81] # [82]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] Consider the kind of message being sent by our inability to deal quickly with a few starving morons in a rowboat.  in reply to MelissaTweets [83] # [84]
  • Our inability to deal raises the question how we deal with the more difficult situation of, say, Iran shutting off the Strait of Hormuz.  # [85]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] Of course, the pattern of capitulation’s been well established with our non response to the little gargoyle in north Korea.  # [86]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] Check out the blogpost I just put up You’ll see where I’m going with this. http://bit.ly/LoFs [87] in reply to MelissaTweets [88] # [89]
  • RT @Twisty58: @EricFlorack [90] Someone should write a song! Hang on… I’m gonna go tell @toojiggy [91] (Heh) # [92]
  • @Twisty58 [93] REally? Cool in reply to Twisty58 [94] # [95]
  • @MelissaTweets [40] Perhaps that explains Obama is apparent intention to make all vehicles so small they don’t have a back seat?  in reply to MelissaTweets [96] # [97]
  • RT @donsurber: Glenn Reynolds nails Glenn Grenwald http://tinyurl.com/c2l994 [98] # [99]
  • @donsurber [100] It;s exactly what I predicted in my Pajamas Media column of 1.21 of this year. http://bit.ly/9RyW5 [101] in reply to donsurber [102] # [103]
  • @donsurber [100] As for Greenwald… He’s just living up to his deserved reputation of being the most intellectually dishonest blogger on the web.  in reply to donsurber [102] # [104]
  • Wow… I’ve got 100 followers… And and a fiver and I could swing a beer tonight at the bar # [105]
  • @divadoll123 [106] Well, now you ahve some idea what America is up against in reply to divadoll123 [107] # [108]
  • RT @divadoll123: Does anyone else feel like you’re watching a new reality show where completely incompetent people try to run the country?  # [109]
  • @divadoll123 [106] Yep. Happened with Clinton, and Carter, too.  in reply to divadoll123 [110] # [111]
  • RT @tomfitton: Justice Ginsburg wants more women on the SC to make it “look right.”http://tinyurl.com/cu7avv #TCOT [29] # [112]
  • @tomfitton [113] #tcot [5] Is that like “look like America”…. remember the Monocrhome coalition?  in reply to TomFitton [114] # [115]
  • RT @divadoll123: pirate situation is an portent of BHO’s behavior when the sh*t really hits the fan, we’re all in big trouble.  # [116]
  • @EricFlorackinability to deal with that situation begs question how we’ll deal with say, Iran shutting off the Strait of Hormuz.  # [117]
  • how can I add a hashmark groioup to my tweetdeck sends as a default?  # [118]
  • @jimtreacher [119] If he walks on water, wouldn’t Obama be the idea one for dealing w this pirate thing? Just walk over, and…  in reply to jimtreacher [120] # [121]
  • @seanhackbarth [122] Still using the Palm TReo, myself.  in reply to seanhackbarth [123] # [124]
  • @liberty75 [125] I thought it was the ‘sack cloth and ashes’ tour in reply to liberty75 [126] # [127]
  • @liberty75 [125] I thought it was the ‘sack cloth and ashes’ tour #tcot [5] # [128]
  • @OligarchsBeware [129] Let’s challange the left to give back the White House. No excuses. #tcot [5] in reply to OligarchsBeware [130] # [131]
  • @jamesrivers [132] London Ontario?  # [133]