This morning, in my new Pajamas Media piece, I examine the spendng tactics of Brack Obama and the Democrats.

The entire country has been, until recently, frozen in amazement by the tactics used by the administration to ostensibly address our financial problems. The most discussed of these is amazingly similar to the one used by the American military in our invasion of Iraq. The tactic, called “shock and awe,” was to hit the enemy with such an impressive display of firepower as to bewilder and confuse them. It left the Iraqi military not knowing where the attack was coming from, with no clue as to how to respond to it.

shockandaweI’m sure the reader will agree that a trillion dollars worth of deficit spending — the largest single discretionary spending bill in history — is certainly substantial firepower.

However, polling data has started to suggest that people are waking up. That data says that in the estimation of most Americans the president’s aim is off the mark — if solving the current financial crisis is the goal.

If it’s not to solve the crisis, then what’s Obama about, then?
Answers at the link.

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