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Obama’s Devotion to a Fraud

Anthropogenic global warming is a huge fraud, Alan Caruba.   Yetfor reasons beyond comprehension Barack Obama was pledged to solve a problem that simply does not exist, Conservative Free Press( [1]CA):

[T]he UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that has merrily falsified alleged scientific data to advance the hoax while the UN Kyoto Protocol imposed limits on CO2 emissions. Most of the nations that signed it have largely ignored it, discovering that it harms their economies. The U.S. avoided signing, but Americans have elected a President who is utterly devoted to this “solution” to a problem that does not exist.

Maybe BO is trying to lower the bar.    So that when the ice caps don’t melt he can claim credit for saving them. much like B.J.  Clinton both invented the Y2K fraud and claimed credit for preventing the crisis.