lakecg-rambleWelcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the sphere… The Bigsblog Nightly Ramble

This is the “Boy am I looking forward to spring” edition.

It’s getting warmer around here. It started this morning above 50 degrees, and there’s a smell of spring in the air. In just a few weeks, now, I’ll be bringing our camper home from storage and setting it up for the season.  I’ll admit to having a decent case of cabin fever going.

  • The law student speaks: Go and read this from Boortz. Did you read it? Good. My reaction: The letter he posts makes a great deal of sense, but ignores the point that we’re already physically seperated to a larger degree than many want to acknowledge.  Take a look at the foreclosure rates, and the unemployment rates. Where those rates are the highest is where leftists dominate. Think anyone will notice?
  • When even his supporters see it: Glenn says today:

    Paul Krugman says Obama’s killing the Dow by dithering. So the question keeps coming up: Incompetence or malevolence? Either way, that people are asking is a bad sign .

    No, Glenn, not quite. The right’s been asking all along. I’d take the left (And the ostensibly Obama supporting moderates) now asking the same questions as a confirmation that the right’s questioning was valid all along, and that the options, incompetence or malevolence, have been properly defined. There are no other options. Obama has us on course to Alinsky style radicalism, and it’s killing us.  Too bad we had to get killed for the left to begin to understand what we’ve been saying about their wet dreams all along. It’s as I said this morning; When on ship, you notice a bunch of rats on deck, diving into the water, you’d best assume they know something you don’t, and start looking for the life preservers.

  •  More socialist than the socialists: Over at Commentary, Jennifer Rubin notes

    Communist China is more friendly toward capital than Obama? Yup. No capital gains tax there…

    I wonder if any of our vaunted White House Press corps has the stones to press Obama on this issue. I doubt it. If you see something of the sort, though, let me know so I can credit them accordingly.

  •  The Democrats Rush to hatred: Me at OTB this morning:

    Nobody (Democrats aside) ever claimed that Limbaugh was a leader in the Republican party. Nor is he in reality a spokesman for them, or even for their values.What he is, however is a leading voice in the conservative movement. He’s only tied to the Republican party insofar as the Republicans are conservative, which isn’t all that much of late.
    Certainly, he tends toward the Republicans, because historically, they’ve been the more conservative of the two parties. But if you listen to his show, which I do occasionally, he’s been spending his time, when addressing Republicans, in trying to get them to return to conservatism.

    I think I’ve said it here before, and I still consider it the core of this; The attacks on Limbaugh and trying to get him in the public’s perception as the face of the Republican party, is an orchestrated attempt to separate the Republican party from it’s conservative base thereby rendering it impotent.

    …he’s a hate object. Hitler had the Jews. For that matter, so do the Arabs. Obama has the Rich, as a group to hate, but no longer had any one single personae to focus their hate on.
    Consider; over the last few decades, they had Reagan, Bush, Newt, and Bush, to serve as objects to focus their followers’ hate on. As a result of the most recent election, they have no elected Republicans of any real stature to focus their followers’ hate on. So, Limbaugh now serves that role.

    It amazes me the number of people who ignore those points.

  • Please pass the Galt: Good points, Bryan, but simalies never work at all points anyway, so I’m not sure how concerned aI am about this.  And in any event, I’m convinced 90% of liberals don’t fully understand what Galt is.  I suppose if they did, they’d be less leftist.
  •  We want the government to have our medical records, why, again?: Joe the Plumber has sued Ohio over his private records being probed.  About bloody time.
  • Ha!  There’s one I wish I’d though of, Michelle.
  • We have a winner: So, after jumping up off the witness stand at his own murder trial, and stabbing the judge, will the jury in that trial be allowed to rule on his guilt for the stabbing/murder he was originally on trial for? Oh, by the way… the cop that gathered the case against the guy in the first place? Arranged for the perp to assume room temperature, on the spot, likely saving the life of the judge. Good for him. (Can you imagine the ‘See, I told you so” look from the cop?)   Still, there’s the issue of the ruling on the trial he was there for… They’ve gotta put something on the books. Makes you wonder if in spite of what they saw in the courtroom, if they’d rule “not Guilty”. Ah, California….

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