lightpolesignWelcome one and all to the most intense night read anywhere on the ‘sphere The Bitsblog Nightly Ramble

This is the “Turn Right Here” edition.

  • I think, therefore….I really ought to start linking The American Thinker more. Here’s a couple of ’em:
    • Do nothing: Today, Jon Hall over there, suggests having a  ‘do nothing Congress’ isn’t all that bad a deal, particularly as compared to what we have at the moment.
    • See no Evil: Also at Thinker today is a piece by James Simpson :

      Allegations that presidential pal Bill Ayers was involved in the murder of a San Francisco policeman appear to be running into something of a gag order from at the Department of Justice.

      According to the San Francisco Chronicle , the Justice Department and the San Francisco Police Department have contacted the San Francisco Police Officers Association and told them not to talk about the Ayers case.

       Boy, that was fast!
      Cliff Kincaid’s March 12 National Press Club press conference apparently hit a nerve.

      I’ll say. Look, Ayers and Dorn, the evidence says, are guilty as hell, and  buddy Barack Obama being in the White House is their guranatee of freedom, despite the evidence.  Eric Holder, given his background is the perfect guy to effect that White House policy. (Indeed, in my view may have been chosen by Obama for specifically that reason.) Simpson asks who it is they’re trying to protect, but the answer should be obvious to anyone having two brain cells to rub together. (Which would seemingly eliminate most Obama Supporters) 

  • I’m not stupid, but I play one in the White House:  Boortz asks this morning if Obama knows who the president of France is, incidental to his overtures to Chriac instead of Sarkozy.

    Now if, say, Sarah Palin had done this the press would be full of outrage.

    He’s right, of course but buried in that statement is the idea that Obama’s simply being stupid.

    It’s a fair cop, of itself, and stupidity on some his part of of some lower level flunky is certainly the more benign explainiation on the list of possibles. As Good Americans, we’d like to think that our President is  working to better our place in the world, to solve the problems on our plate and just generally to make things a bit better for America and Americans, and thereby, the world as a whole.  When things don’t work out that way, the easiest thing to say is ‘oops’ and move on, the first few times, and perhaps after those first few ‘flubs’, question the intelligence of the Administration and of the president himself. Already we’re starting to see folks look at that issue. In discussing this, Bruce McQuian points to  a Goodwin quote, which seems to take the less sinister tack:

    He is the most radical President of our times, far outside the mainstream of our political philosophy.

    He is not a reformer who fixes things. He fancies himself “transformative,” a man who reshapes and reorders. It apparently begins with smashing the existing order under the pretext of managing the crisis he inherited.

    During the campaign, a fellow journalist confided that “I know Obama is a Manchurian candidate, I just can’t figure out what for.”

    I laughed then, but no more. Obama represents a secular religion that believes, no matter the malady, Washington is the antidote. More government is the chicken soup of his tribe.

    Frankly, I don’t think stupidity is the issue here. Apparently, Goodwin agrees, at least that far. I have to wonder, though if it’s not going deeper than this, and dangerously so, and yes, possibly to the Manchurian level.  So much of what he’s been doing is so demonstrably damaging to the people he claims to be helping… and I doubt he’s so blind as to not see it.

    I think what’s going on in the case of the Chirac letter in particular, is Obama sending a less than subtle snub to Sarkozy, the man who dared question the overt socialism of Chirac. He’s sending the French the unquestionable signal he’d prefer working with a socialist in their Presidency. That snub is of a like with the snub given the Brits recently and for the same reasons. On that basis, the whole things seems a matter of intentional action by Obama, and by his administration. Apparently, Obama, as with the whole of the Democrat party,  wants us to be more like the French… only so long as the French are socialist.

    In looking over the record of this administration thusfar, I find I must echo the question the record itself begs; Are Obama’s motives the destruction of everything he come in contact with?  Before you start writing me off as just another nutcase, think; On any point, domestic policy, foreign policy, whatever; can you point to any more destructive path than the ones Obama has invariably chosen?  Working so perfectly against our interests cannot be a product of stupidity. Certainly, stupidity, were that the issue, would usually work against us.  But not always, and ‘always’ is the category that Obama inescapably falls into.  In case I’m not being clear, here, I’ve long since begin to suspect that what we have in the White House is someone who is actively and intentionally working against our interests. Thing is, I’ve yet to see evidence he’s working FOR our interests.  On every occasion you can name, the case can be made that the outcome works against them.

    I suppose at this point, the argument takes on one much like Babe Ruth’s ‘called shot’.  To this day, there’s still argument if the Babe actually knew where he’d be hitting the ball. Giving credit to the story that he did in fact know however, is the idea that he’d done it so often, to date.

  •  So, now we know: Turns out that Chris Dodd’s wife was running an AIG controlled company, and was due one of those bonuses.  Heh. Now, maybe we understand why Dodd was so involved in that process.  But why do I get the feeling that Dodd’s being tossed to the wolves here in the hopes they’ll be sated by his departure? I’m telling you, folks this goes well beyond one Democrat… no matter how corrupt he may be. I still say the AIG bonuses should have gone out, and the government doesn’t have thing one to say about it, at least constitutionally. But now at least we understand why Dodd was bucking his party on their populism, don’t we? Oh… and of course that Dodd is a liar.
  • nanoIt’s made by WHO? The Nano is the world’s cheapest car. Frankly, the thing looks it. Remember that the previous holders of that title include the Yugo. The Nano is  made in India. And I’m not even going to comment on the idea that it’s made by Tata Motors, except to liken the marketing issue to the one GM had years ago of selling the Nova to hispanics, to whom Nova is ‘No Go”.  Granted, the conntotations of “Tata” in the western world are somewhat more pleasant, (particularly in pairs… betcha can’t eat just one…), but I can see the company having a bit of a problem with the logo, can’t you?  Ok, I know, I know… back to the car.   The design makes it look like it’s trying to be a Prius… (the Prius being an outstandingly and painfully fugly car to begin with…)  and moves downhill from there. In the end, it looks like a go -cart, with asperations of being a real live riceballmobile when  it grows up. No wonder. Sheet metal and plastic held together with Glue, and the 33hp engine sounds like a blender.  It also looks like it has all the crashworthiness of a Vespa Moped… without the helmet. Now, those points aside, and being the size and weight it is, it already gets better MPG than most motorbikes. You’d think that would please the most ardent of environmentalists.    But, alas, no… that doesn’t stop the enviro-whack-job crowd from calling it an impending environmental disaster. In readng this article, I’m left with yet another point of proof that the Environmentalists are not pro-environment, they’re anti-human.  And by the way, the White House pays attention to these nut jobs.
  • It’s number one on Amazon, already: You’ll want to check out Mark Levin’s new book.
  • I was too busy: Simon Cowell has redeemed himself.
  • There’s numbers and numbers:  I Rambled yesterday about polling data showing Republicans gaining ground, nationally. Barone suggests that it’s not so much the Republicans doing better, it’s the Democrats doing worse. Yeah, that seems about right. After all, there’s not been anything overt by Republicans to change that numerical relationship of late. As I’ve been sayng, they’re sitting back for the most part and letting the Democrats slit their own throats… and the Democrats for their part are only too happy to cooperate. That does suggest though that once the Republicans start making moves, the Democrats will still be quite vulnerable, and possibly moreso than today.
  • Even Money: Along those same lines, I note that Obama’s approval ratings are no better than 50/50 as of today. Maybe if he’d just learn to deal with reading that teleprompter better….

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