Mrs. Clinton, Reuters:

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged $300 million for Gaza reconstruction and $600 million to support the authority’s budget shortfalls, economic reforms and security and private sector projects run by the PA.

She was adamant that none of the money, which has to be agreed by the U.S. Congress, would go to Hamas.

Maybe Mrs. Clinton really did believe B.J. whan he said he would be faithful to her.

Hat tip and  more, Jammie Wwaring Fool:

For all the blather about how intelligent the left supposedly is and how Mrs. Clinton and Obama will be projecting smart power, is there anyone alive naive enough to think that by throwing billions at Gaza that Hamas is not going to get their hands on the money? Really, this just insults the intelligence of anyone with a functioning brain

Hamas doesn’t wnat to live in peace with Israel.   Hamas wnat to live in peace with no Israel.

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