Barney Frank(MA – Four) writing in the Puffington Post attempts, rather lamely, to offer a defense for calling Justice Anton Scalia a homohobe:

Justice Scalia denounced the court majorities not simply for finding that it was unconstitutional to discriminate based on sexual orientation in cases involving political rights and the right to private consensual sex, but he also made it clear that in his view sex discrimination is not only permitted by the Constitution but is very much in society’s interest because homosexuality deserves to be treated with not only disapproval, but legal disability.

So from which planet does Frank come?   Certainly not Earth.   On Earth, there are but two sexes, to wit male and female.    Say what  you will about discrimination based on a person perceived  choice of sexual partners, it is not discrimination based sex.

Further, Frank imagines that somehow the Constitution bans discrimination based of sex.   Evidently on Frank’s planet they don’t have the the Ninetieth  Amendment:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

If  prior to the ratification of the Ninetieth, the Constitution banned discrimination based on sex, , the amendment itself would have been pointless.   if the Ninetieth were intended to ban discrimination based on sex, it would have not been limited to mere voting rights.

Note, for the purposes of this discussion, the actual merits of disseminating based on sex are moot.