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Nightly Ramble: The Burrowing Edition


Welcome one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… Bit’sBlog’s Nightly Ramble

 There’s a lot to discuss, today, and here’s some of it, in order of importance:

  • The Punxsutawney Prognosticator Predicts Plowable Piles (6 More Weeks) Yeah, it’s groundhog day. The day when a rodent with all the intellect of an ant and the vision of Mr. Magoo, reportedly managed to see his shadow this morning  with the supposed help of around 20,000 cheering yahoos,  most of who couldn’t see the critter at all, not to mention the help of around 50,000 watts of Kleig lighting strewn about the stage.  Under those conditions, I wouldn’t expect the shadows created by the sun to be anything but a non-issue.  I also keep expecting Al Gore to come out of that little box. His predictions of weather are based on the same science, after all. Besides….If Al Gore was a woodchuck, would that make him a cannibal?
  • No Global Warming: Speaking of which, Czech President Vaclav Klaus is  saying that global warming is all a hoax [1]… again. He’s correct of course.
  • Snow in London:  I see London has the heaviest snow in 20 years [2], this morning. Busses aren’t running, and essentially, things are shut down, there. I halfway expected Gore’s name to pop up in London on my tickler file, today. No such luck.
  • Google Brands everything harmful: So, Google branded Bitsblog harmful to your browser? [3] Along with everything else on the web, of course.
  • I’m feeling spent: Victor Davis Hanson, [4] this morning asks at Pajamas Media:

    How does one explain how California is broke, tens of billions of dollars in aggregate debt, despite having among the highest sales and income taxes in the nation?”

    The simple answer of course is they’re spending even more, while penalizing those foolish enough to actually produce. It’s a message I’ve delivered often here at Bitsblog, but never quite so well as Hanson does today.

  • Protectionism returns: You should hear the chatter on Canadian radio around my neck of the woods. Remember, I’m within earshot of most of Eastern Canada here at Casa De Bit.  They’re a little upset at Obama’s insistance on  the “Buy American” [5] caluse of the supposed ‘economic stimulation’  bill, and frankly I don’t blame them.  I’ll tell you, that thing is about as stimulating as a knife in the heart, even if we exclude the rest of it. Go and read what I said this morning about FDR [6], again and apply the principle here.
  • Late for School on account of Super Bowl: Mildly interesting to listen to KDKA on the way in for a few minutes this morning. It appears there’s a lot of government schools down there running a couple hours behind, given Pooper Bowl festivities last night. First time I’ve ever heard that kind of thing being the reason schools alter their schedules. Hopefully, the two hours will help the kids nurse their hangovers, huh?
  • Is Jenny There?  Just for laughs, I flip over to the other end of the state…Philly… 1210/WPHT… and I hear someone who sounded like Smirkonish rattling on about Alex Call (Tommy Tutone) for reasons I couldn’t quite make out over the IBOC hash from 1180/WHAM. Now, I understand why. [7] 
  • No touchdown: Speaking of the supposed game, aren’t they suppose to actually get both feet down to complete a reception? I can’t imagine the Cards not rasing hell about that one with the leauge. Not that it’ll do anyone much good, now. Idiots. Just add this on my list of things the NFL is seriously screwing up.
  • Songbird: Kudos, though, go to Jennifer Hudson [8], whose performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” would have been remarkable even without the backstory surrounding her recent family tragedy.  There’s a lot of performers who use that kind of a shot to show off their supopsed talent,  and improv the song into oblivion while trying to be impressive. While she lent some improvisation to the song, Hudson first connected with the song and it’s meaning last night, instead of first falling in love with her voice and connecting with that. Were that more understood the difference.  The only flaw I could find? It would have been helpful if the idiot running the board hadn’t buried her voice in the mix when her voice swelled…(Got louder). Most vocalists trained in mike technique know enough to back off the mike a bit under those conditions. Hudson, from what I heard…(I didn’t see it… I was about 90 miles west of home at the time) … did just that. The guy running the mix anticipated not once but twice, and incorrectly both times, that she wouldnt, and backed her mike off.  the result in the Mono mix I caught was that she sounded like she was being moved into the background for a few seconds. Not good. But that’s technical stuff. She, herself, was fabulous.
  •  Looks dirty to me:  Sen. Dodd says he’ll refinance Countrywide loans… [9] So says Drudge. Question, though; If the loans weren’t dirty, as Dodd claims, why would he need to do that? And why has he still… still… not offered up the loan documents?
  • One way to help the earth: So the greenies are saying Two kids should be the limit? [10]  Didn’t the Chinese try that? How’s that working for them?  I’ve got an idea, though; If the green-brains figure we’ve got too many people, how about they help the earth by leaving it.. now?