Charles M. Blow, New York Times, thinks were are all racists ;

[A] CNN poll from last January found that 72 percent of whites thought that blacks overestimated the amount of discrimination against them, while 82 percent of blacks thought that whites underestimated the amount of discrimination against blacks.

What explains this wide discrepancy? One factor could be that most whites harbor a hidden racial bias that many are unaware of and don’t consciously agree with.

To which I agree.   So what!   Some racism is simply rational.   You may call Jesse Jackson a lot of things, but stupid he is not:

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery-then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

Show me any person who says he does not consider race in his words, actions or deeds, and I will show you  either a fool or a liar.

The state of race relations may not be what Blow thinks it should be and I agree.   However attacking rational racism is not part of the solution.   Rational people are not going to start acting irrational because some columist is upset or the Attorney General gives a speech.

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3 Responses to “In Defense of Racism”

  1. David,

    I see that you noticed the “Mommy Slur” post at OTB
    Note, please, my response there. I see this is part and parcel of the same question from a different angle.

  2. I read the response on O-T-B.

    I divide the population into two groups, the sane and the gender feminists.  The sane know and accept that men and women are different.  The gender feminists, for reasons above my pay grade, issist that they are not.

    I suspect, and inded hope, that most mothers would rather be considered a good mother than a good president.  Since Roe v. Wade, motherhood has become optional.  As such, I exercise my right tojudge women who choose to become mothers, by type of mother they are.  I the eyes of the gender feminist, that makes me a sexist. Sobeit!


  1. Not a racist? You are a fool or a liar « A possie in Aussie