This one has been making the rounds, and I can’t let it pass without opening the editor.BBCT: Q&O and the Jawas 2298296970103726530s425x425q85
The picture strikes me as a demonstration of willful ignorance, for one thing. I mean, isn’t that the usual charge when we misspell or mispronounce the unpronounceable Arab and Persian names that cross our desk? 

For another it demonstrates a certain lack of openness to negotiation.
To that point, tell me; Is this the individual Hillary Clinton and her minions are to be negotiating with starting next month? I ask because it appears obvious, that regardless of who she negotiated with, if this inDUHvidual isn’t satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation, we’ve still got a problem.

There seems only one way of satisfying that individual, and surely, that solution is as unacceptable as it was when Hitler tried to implement it some years ago.

(Yes, I know, Godwin has been invoked. Shut up.)

The real answer to this dilemma, is as I said yesterday; pave Gaza. About the time the Israelis are putting the parking stripes on the place, someone will notice that it’s awfully peaceful.

And before you ask “how was that answer any more acceptable than eliminating the Jews?” …the answer is, the Jews were not the aggressors, here. They’re not out to kill all Arabs, they’re just trying to live, and absent the 1000 rocket attacks during the most recent attempt at peace, there would still BE peace. Given what we see in the picture, that seems a major difference.
