DALLAS -(AP)- The coach of a Texas high school basketball team that beat another team 100-0 was fired Sunday, the same day he sent an e-mail to a newspaper saying he will not apologize “for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity.”

Kyle Queal, the headmaster for Covenant School, said in The Dallas Morning News online edition that he could not answer if the firing was a direct result of coach Micah Grimes’ e-mail disagreeing with administrators who called the blowout “shameful.”

(Editors note: There is vid at the link)


Look, gang, sport is the last bastion of meritocracy. If even our private schools have decended so low as to start pushing this nonsense liberal version of ‘fairness’, we’re sunk as a people.

I say if the coach is the issue, the losing team should hire the man at double the salary.  The Headmaster of the school tells us that winning in this fashion isn’t ‘Christian’. So, is the Christian way supposed to be that his girls hold back, and let the other team score, and give them a false sense of talent? The team that lost did so because they suck. It’s that siple, that direct. It’s called ‘reality’. You’re not doing them any favors by sheilding them from it.

By the way, the coach called off the full press in the first quarter. So, he already DID cut back.

There’s a lesson, here, too. We’re in the financial shape we’re in just now because government came along and tried to enforce ‘fairness’, in terms of home ownership. Instead of maintaining standards they tried to allow people who had no business with a loan, get them.  We’ve broken ourselves trying to bail them out.

Ponder the lessons being taught in both cases, and their parallels.



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