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Smackdown with Micheal Goldfarb

I enjoyed this one.  Michael Goldfarb, Weekly Standard [1], smacks Atlantic with a dead fish, b/k/a Miss Andrea Sullivan:

But the Atlantic‘s own credibility has been damaged by the continuing “investigation” into the maternity of Trig Palin, known to the rest of us as Sarah Palin’s son. The Atlantic raised these questions and tried to force the issue out of the fringe and into the mainstream for months. It was a line of inquiry that was clearly approved by the Atlantic‘s editors — it could not have persisted so long without their consent — and met with silence by folks like Ambinder.

Which is why it’s so galling that Ambinder would post a “discourse watch.” The Atlantic is still a great magazine with a lot of great content, and in some quarters it may still have the kind of credibility to decide what is or isn’t an acceptable avenue of discussion, but it’ll be a long time before the magazine can adjudicate such questions for conservatives.

Atlantic has a choice.   It can either attempt to regain its credibility, or it can continue to tolerate Miss Sulllivan.   I care not which.  Do you?