Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… BitsBlog’s Nightly Ramble

Another day in the detereioration of America.

  • I see Gore and Obama meeting today, to discuss plans.  One wonders if they’ve been talking to the Military. Does it trouble you that Obama is also talking about the future of auto makers within the same framework as talking to Gore?  It should.
  • And did you know it’s snowing in SouCal? Did you know our oceans are setting records for how much cooler they are?  So, why is Obama talking to Gore, again? Do not make the mistake of thinking theirs is a goal that’s on the up and up… that they’re not all about eradicating Capitalism. Until you lean that one point, none of the rest of this is going to make any sense to you at all.
  • With all the focus today on Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his corruption,  maybe we ought to break this out a little.
    • One can’t help but wonder if this arrest wasn’t delayed. That question becomes particularly potent when one looks at the amount of linkage between Blagojevich and Tony Rezko… and Tony Rezko to Barack Obama.
    • RodOTOH, by bringing the indictment now, means that the prosecutor can’t be removed by Obama once sworn in… something Obama might have done had the indictment occurred after he was sworn in.
    • One also wonders, if the procecutor in the case, Patrick Fitzgerald…(Yes, the same one that went after Scooter Libby) isn’t going to loose some of the respect he’s obviously built up among eth Kossacks  from that Libby case. Ater all, he’s cutting very close indeed to the Chosen One when he starts looking seriously at Rezko.
    •  If you’re curious, Smoking Gun has the indictment, if you’re interested. 
    • One wonders what this means to the folks over at Republic Windows and Doors?
    • Additionally, what will happen to his threats against Bank of America?
    • At the very least, what will get revealed in this is Obama’s wilingness to turn a blind eye to the corruption he encountered, Fitz denials’ of this point not withstanding. Obama’s understanding of these specific charges, how can anyone NOT know this guy’s crooked?
    • My guess is we’ll have a new Gov in Illinois soon, since that Senate seat needs to be filled, and nobody wants an appointment now from Blagojevich. The stain will always be there, truthful or not, that the seat, whoever Blagojevich appoints, went to the highest bidder.
    • Someone posted Obama’s Senate Seat on Ebay. It’s been removed, of course.
    • Question’s going to come up who else was bidding for the seat. Jesse Jackson Jr roars to mind, since his name was among the first. Bubby Rush, as well.
    • Wanna have a little fun? Let’s see how often  the Dinosaur media runs stories about all of this, that avoid mentioning that  Blagojevich is a Democrat.Remember, mention of Party affiliation was never a problem with George Ryan.
  • Speaking of corruption… The fix is in for Charlie Rangel. Forget about this ethics cloud ousting him. As the saying goes, he’d have to be bedding a dead girl or a live boy to be ousted. Past that, Nancy’s got his back. What about “Draining the Swamp”, Nancy? Maybe you meant you were going to remove Republicans? Must be, because it’s obvious that crooks are OK by you. Of course given how long  Blagojevich has stayed out of the noose, it seems reasonable to ask if this sin’t standard democrat fare.
  • So, the Caddy Escalade is the most stolen car (?) in the country? Pimpmobile at the SafewayFirst off, I’ve got a news flash to ABC news… it’s not a car.. (No damned wonder the Dinosaur news agencies are in trouble, if they can’t tell the difference) … but secondly, what the report doesn’t dare mention is what part of town they’re being stolen FROM. And of course they don’t dare mention how much ‘bling’ is attached. Let’s suggest, quietly, that the ones being stolen are not exactly bone stock.  And yes, my own vehicle, also not a car, was on the list… as the LEAST stolen… the Buick Rainier. Set ’em side by side, and you tell me… why the difference?04 Rainier like mine, courtesy FAMILYCAR.COM It’s all Image, of course.
  • It’s not often anymore, that I view George Will’s commentary as worthwhile. While not correct on all points, this one matters.  And here’s why.
  • As I pointed out yesterday, Obama’s not even in office, and yet and he’s got half the party chipping at him like he was George W. Bush. You ain’t seen nothing yet.  I mentioned before the election how this split was coming along, and I’ll tell you this, given that split, had McCain actually tried, he could have exploited that, and won. He was certainly close enough to do so. He didn’t try.  Winning apparently he figures not to be bi-partisan enough. Disapointments about that aside, I submit that Obama didn’t win because of the overt support of the left, but because McCain simply wasn’t trying. The splits on the left as I mentiond are now in full bloom, and putting down runners.
  • Suicide Hotline…. Please hold…
  • Jonah Goldberg passes along an interesting set of documents, essentially saying Fannie and Freddie knew what they were doing was wrong. I remain convinced that this is causal to most of the financial issues we face today.
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